Kent and Cindy have been married and living in Murfreesboro for 36 years and have 2 adult children and 3 grandchildren. They joined Northside in July of 2019. Kent is an electrical engineer at Nissan.
Jon and his wife, Jennifer, have been married for 18 years and have three daughters. Jon joined Northside and was baptized here in 2005. He co-teaches an adult connect group and has served on our Nominating Committee. Having lived in Murfreesboro for 27 years, Jon is a graduate of MTSU and works as an employee benefits consultant.
Keith Davenport and his wife, Laurel, have been married 34 years and members of our church family since 1999. They have two grown children, Luke and Josie (Drew). Keith, who was born in this area, has spent 30 years working for Middle TN Electric and works part-time with TN Valley Public Power Assoc. training apprentice linemen.
*Newly elected, will serve through 2027.
Lee and his wife, Diana, have been married for 12 years and attended Northside for a number of years before officially joining the church family in 2018. They have two children at home. Lee currently co-teaches our College Connect Group and is a pharmacist at TwelveStone Health Partners in Murfreesboro.
Jason Greene and his wife, April, joined Northside in 2001, just a few months before they married. They have two grown children, Caden and Ambria. Jason and April are both longtime choir members and previously taught student connect groups. Jason has been a community pharmacist for 20 years, with the last six spent as Clinical Pharmacist and Pharmacy Administration at our local VA Medical Center.
*Newly elected, will serve through 2027.
Mike and his wife, Brenda, have been married 51 years and raised two daughters. One lives in Franklin with her family, and she blessed them with a granddaughter. The other daughter lives in heaven after a battle with cancer. Mike & Brenda joined Northside in 2013 after moving here the year before. They are active in the Sharp class and Mike is involved in Northside’s Kingdom Builders Ministry.
Chuck Hazlett and his wife, Elizabeth, joined our church family in 2004. He moved to this area just before he and Elizabeth married 22 years ago, and they have two teenage sons, Carter and Mason. They faithfully attend a connect group, and Chuck also serves in our Media Ministry. He is a small business owner.
*Newly elected, will serve through 2027.
Allen and his wife, Carmen, have been married 38 years and have lived in Smyrna for 33 of those years. They joined the Northside family in 2003 and are faithful both in choir and Charles Moore’s Connect Group. They have three grown children and two grandchildren. Allen works in the machinist/maintenance field.
Kevin Mayfield and his wife, Amy, have been married 26 years and lived in Murfreesboro for 14. They joined the Northside Family in 2009 and have three teenage children, Victoria, Samuel, and Levi. Kevin has been a faculty member of Providence Christian Academy for 19 years, currently teaching 6th and 7th grade Latin, and both he and Amy serve on the rotation in our preschool area.
Rick and Lynn joined Northside in 2004. They have two grown sons and three grandchildren. Rick plays in our orchestra, co-teaches an adult connect group, and is retired
Gayle and Linda have three adult children and five grandchildren. They joined Northside in 2005. Gayle co-teaches an adult connect group and is retired.
Phil and his wife, Jane, met and married 41 years ago and served in the USAF through 2002 and have two grown sons. After retiring from working for government contractors in 2020, they moved here and joined our church family the same year. Phil sings in our choir, leads a Kingdom Builders men’s group and a bi-weekly ministry at Adam’s Place.